Skyrim realistic carry weight

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I will defend this game agianst anyone who bashes it without good cause. The irony is that I am also a huge fan boy of the TES series. Yet in reality almost anyone can use most medevil swords due to there balance and weighting (most people will probaly cut them selves).

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so how would you be able to swing a sword that weights more then your armor? And no it does not really matter how strong you are, since everyone in skyrim can use the largest weapon without consequece. you would literly tear your muscles apart. The human arm cannot deal with extreme weights at the ends (in your hands) for long periods of time, especialy while swinging them around. Would it be safe to say that humans from skyrim have the same or similar physical capabilities? If you say yes to this question then my point is valad.

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Its intresting to see that fan boys are countering my argument with 'Because its not set in our world the same laws dont apply'.